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Cupping Therapy
Dr Hasan
Cupping in Arabic is known as “Hijamah” it isa special technique of evacuation used in the treatment of certainlethal diseases. A treatment done by producing partial vacuum inthe cup glasses placed on the body surface by heat or suction, inorder to evacuate morbid material or to divert the material fromthe deeper tissues or diseased part.Cupping is an ancient method of treatment that has been used inthe treatment and cure of a broad range of conditions; such ashypertension, rheumatic conditions ranging from arthritis,sciatica, back pain, migraine, anxiety and general physical andmental well-being. The aim of Cupping is to extract blood that isbelieved to be harmful from the body which in turn rids the body ofpotential harm from symptoms leading to a reduction in well-being.The Arabic name for Cupping Therapy is Al-Hejamah which means toreduce in size i.e. to return the body back to its naturalstate.In this non-surgical procedure, toxic or ‘bad’ blood is drawnout from the body. Certain ‘cupping points’ on the body areaddressed to do so. On such selected points, blood is encouraged toaccumulate and then sucked out by using a little vacuum system. Theblood is made to accumulate on the surface of the skin where minuteincisions are introduced on the skin; the blood comes out from theincisions and is collected in a cup from where it is removed.Cupping has no side effects as long as performed properly. It isalso worth noting that about 70% diseases or disorders are causedby the failure of blood to circulate properly in the body.Furthermore, we get sick or our body organs fail to performhealthily when our blood keep circulating loaded with toxins andother impurities. Unless the toxic waste is removed from the bodyor from the blood, not only we do not recover fast from a diseasebut also become easy victim to other diseases or disorder. Cuppingis the best way to remove the toxic waste from the blood stream,and the results will obviously be a healthy and properlyfunctioning body.Cupping is one of the best deep-tissue therapies available. Itis thought to affect tissues up to four inches deep from theexternal skin. Toxins can be released, blockages can be cleared,and veins and arteries can be refreshed within these four inches ofaffected materials. Even hands, wrists, legs, and ankles can be‘cupped,' thus applying the healing to specific organs thatcorrelate with these points.Generally, cupping is combined with acupuncture in onetreatment, but it can also be used alone. The suction and negativepressure provided by cupping can loosen muscles, encourage bloodflow, and sedate the nervous system (which makes it an excellenttreatment for high blood pressure). Cupping is used to relieve backand neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines,rheumatism, and even cellulite. For weight loss and cellulitetreatments, oil is first applied to the skin, and then the cups aremoved up and down the surrounding area.The cupping therapy increases the ability and activity of theimmunity system due to the increased activity of thereticals-endothelial system, and the good blood flow through thetissues and organs heightens the immunity of the body because thatthe pathogens in the body are more subjected to the immunity systemunites.Cupping therapy treats hypertension based on syndromedifferentiation, this is just to regulate the functions of thewhole body, promote its self-balance function. It has been provedthat the holistic concept of cupping therapy is accorded with theprinciple of treatment of hypertension. Cupping therapy can notonly lower high blood pressure, control it in a normal range,prevent and treat various complication of hypertension, but alsomake various imbalance states of the body return to normal.